Monday, 19 January 2009

Just Watched 'The Great Global Warming Swindle'

Dishing out a few inconvenient truths to those who advocate a carbon tax.

Just to clarify what I think, I am not an anti-environmentalist. In fact I am very much for anything which truly benefits humanity and the world we live in.

I believe we need alternative energy, especially geothermal (and nuclear in the short term), not because fossil fuels are 'warming the planet' but because it is an empirical fact they will run out eventually. I challenge you to google 'peak oil'.

This CO2 nutjob frenzy, however, is not about the environment. The government and scientists have a conflict of interest in skewing the evidence. Carbon taxation would make for even bigger government than we have now, and scientists receive government/UN approval and funding if they toe the line.

And worse, biofuel development done in the name of combating 'climate change' is a disaster for world food production. Food prices up, output down:
Food rioting and shortages:,-UN-chief-warns.html

I don't like to complain about alarmists. The way I see it, at least some people give a damn about something enough to shout about it. What bothers me more is the vast numbers of people out there who either don't care or understand about anything substantial.

However, the global warming-carbon hypothesis is just as over-extended as the 1960s panic over global cooling being related to coal burning. And the fear-mongering is rife - terrible weather disasters, polar bears getting used to swimming, maybe even the end of humanity.

The persecution of so-called 'deniers' shows the ignorance of the climate change crowd; this 'disdain for intellectualism' is one of the 14 defining characteristics of fascism.

"They must find it difficult...those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority."-G. Massey, Egyptologist

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