Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Obama GIVE Act ==> DRAFT

Oh, you didn't know? That's because the MSM are corporate-owned administration disinfo hacks.


(Image: Previously I was hesitant to compare Obama to Hitler. Primarily because he is no more the leader of this new fascism than Bush was. But in a way the money powers were behind Hitler too, so what the hell, I think the comparison is vaild.)

'Compulsory volunteering' is an Orwellian doublethink oxymoron. The whole thing is Hitler-youth, Stasi, SA all rolled into one. Children are now to be taught 'service education' in state schools (sovereign citizens are the new Jew I guess). I've read Mein Kampf (not all of it, jeez it gets boring) but I think Hitler said something similar, about it being much easier and quicker to 'get' the children than it is to convert the adults to your agenda.

They've tried other bills; this is the first one to pass. Nonetheless I don't think the PP headline 'National Enslavement Bill' is at all over the top.

At the moment, it's in the early stages; but this legislation paves the way for the kind of full-on civilian army/youth brigades "running around with M16s on power trips"* we associate with totalitarian regimes. Can you smell the fascism?

Sieg Heil, er I mean Yes We Can.

* thanks Alex Jones for putting it so succinctly.

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