Sunday, 1 March 2009

Um, what balancing act?

AP: Obama's balancing act on Iraq withdrawal strategy

(Image: 'Obamanoids' may have turned the page, but they fail to notice it's still the same book.)

"To this very day, there are some Americans who want to stay in Iraq longer, and some who want to leave faster," Obama said in his announcement Friday.

There are, but the latter 'some' is probably 8 out of 10, at least, of the population. The former 'some' represents the psychologically enslaved, 1-in-a-thousand who thinks Bush needed to invade Iraq because Divine Intervention told him to. The folks who would say "Kill 'em all! Let God sort 'em out..."

^ I should at this point remind readers that the vast majority of the sentiment of the Bible is anti-war, and this is not an attack on Christians, rather uber-hawks who twist religion for their own ends. And by that I mean the 'bomb Iran' crowd. WWJD? Apparently, he'd kick off WW3 to avoid looking weak on the world stage.

Most importantly, let's cast our minds back to an early promise from His Most Holy Worthiness Hopey Mc Change Change the Third, Barack H Obama, which was...(drum roll):

To 'bring in the Joint Chiefs of staff on his first day as president and order them to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq'

To immediately begin the withdrawal, is what that sounds like (I remember 'out in 6 months' as being a talking point during the race against Hillary). It all sounded pretty good. Now it's at a bare minimum 16 months, and would you really trust that number considering its source?

The truth in one sentence...No troops will be coming home anytime soon.

In fact, more are going abroad from the US, due to the expansion in Afghanistan/Pakistan - which is also where those who left Iraq are heading.

The only balancing act Obama is doing is balancing public opinion against the evil being done in his name by the globalists. He's a lot better at being the witty salesperson than Bush was.
And that's why he is twice as dangerous.

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