Thursday, 16 July 2009

Swine Flu "Cultured in a Laboratory"

Epic Freudian slip at 0:40. Or maybe he was supposed to say that, I don't know. Either way it's probably the truth.

Why is this likely? Well...

In the meantime, sheeple, get ready to scramble like your life depends on it for the limited-availablity vaccines (ever heard of the effects of artificial scarcity and vicarious reinforcement?), and enjoy this:

Oh, and you can teach your kids the merits of vaccines by buying them a Brio UNICEF immunization toy set. So they can learn how vaccines protect them from the nasty viruses. Ahem.


  1. I think what he meant by "what was cultured in a lab" was the study of collected samples of the virus that were then cultured to study them.

    Regardless, we both know where the stinkin' "pig virus" came from, and it ain't from a pig.

    (The four-legged kind, anyway.)

  2. Yes, that might have been what he was saying.

    It's kind of embarassing how far people have been brainwashed, to the extent they're avoiding pig produce, when no pig even has the virus, just because the name 'Swine flu' has been given to it! (it's a hybrid, people, a hybrid of avian, swine and human flu, which is another reason why it is extremely unlikely to have been caused by regular flu mutations).


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