Thursday, 27 August 2009

Sticks and Stones

If you oppose a war, you're a hippy pothead.

If you think more government is bad for you, you're an 'anarchist' kook.

If you think normalising holding people without trial and torturing them, regardless of how heinous their alleged crime is, sets a dangerous legal precedent, you're 'with the terrorists'.

If you read history, find that leaders often stage attacks against their own people (Hitler's Reichstag Fire best modern example) to gather support for action against an enemy and then apply this historical norm to the modern threat posed by Al-CIAda, citing such evidence as Dr Steven Jones' peer-reviewed paper confirming nanothermite explosive was present in the dust of the WTC towers, you're a conspiracy theorist.

If you think political leaders should conform to citizenship laws as much as everyone else, and provide evidence of such, then you're a crazy birther.

If you think we are fine with our current population, and in fact the Earth can accommodate much more than our current population, and there are plenty of resources to sustain our population indefinitely, you are with Big Oil and you hate the Earth.
If you think vaccines actually harm, not help, the immunity of people (individually and collectively) then you're a paranoid anti-medicine nut.

If you question for a moment the legitimacy of the United Nations and why all nations should be subordinate to a world government run by the super-wealthy, then you're a fringe wacko.

If you think the government and government-corporate media put forward these stereotypes and associations as a form of thought control and brainwashing to control public opinion in terms of what is and is not 'politically correct', then you're just insane.

So I may be a hippy pothead anarchist kook conspiracy theorist crazy birther, a paranoid anti-medicine nut fringe wacko, just insane. Depends on who you ask I guess.

At least I don't want to be a slave and kneel before the masters of this world. Do you?

Global War on Terrorism with International Military Response
Global Flu Pandemic with WHO Emergency Response
Global Financial Crisis with World Regulatory Response
Global Warming Crisis with World Carbon Tax 'Solution'

That's at least four fake/artificial major crises Mr Rockefeller can choose from.

( source for most of the images)


  1. *Raising hand*

    Ooh! Ooh! I'm a kook! I'm a conspiracy theorist! A crazy birther, too! Birth Certificate or Bust!

    Whacko all the way!

    Whoo hoo!

  2. It's funny because even the most wacky things I have read on so-called 'conspiracy sites' pale into insignificance compared to the tall stories peddled by the mainstream media.

    The real wackos are the people who still believe what the media says, if you ask me.

    But then again, I'm a kook. So what do I know. :)


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