Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Remind you of the Obama Peace Prize?

"My fame, if Providence preserves my life, will consist in… works of peace, which I still intend to create."

Is this Barack Obama, 2009?

Perhaps during an address since accepting the Nobel?...

...Nope. This was said by Adolf Hitler in 1942.

To Obama's ever-shrinking but ever-more-fanatic cult following...realise you are being led along by promises of peace that are as empty as Hitler's were...

You remind me of these people (see about 1 min in, and again at 5 min):

Good film, Terrorstorm, you should watch the whole thing.


  1. Marx said that peace is the lack of opposition. All totalitarian leaders know this, including hitler and MaObama and may I add, it is usually by any means necessary. dissent is the music of any democracy, and in this country we have written symphonies.

  2. I'm no mega-pacifist myself. Many bad things are done in the name of peace. And certainly, peace does not mean lack of dissent or total compliance, as Marx said.

    I don't see the pre-emptive wars and nation building in the Middle East as being helpful to our security, or consistent with doctrines of just war. Therefore, I was 'hoping' that Obama would, for example, withdraw from Iraq and Pakistan at least.

    Not happening! Instead we might be about to hit Iran...well maybe not Britain, we're


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