Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Hate Us For Our Freedom

I read an interesting comment by an American veteran of the Iraq war a couple of days ago, which basically said that in Iraq, you create your own enemies or lack thereof (by how you act towards the locals).

Question - what would you do if foreigners invaded your country, told you how to run things, and cruised through your neighbourhood like this? (with rap music, no less!)

Answers on a stamped addressed anthrax filled envelope to
100 Percent OMG
It's Just Like In The Bible
Do Unto Others...
State of Empathy
PO Box 3391177

Oh, and they do kill people at Gitmo - occasionally. But those sand niggers probably deserved it, 'cause they hate Amerika.

Come to think of it, I hate Amerika too. But that doesn't mean I have anything but respect for America.


  1. From the footage of the protests about who sits where on the buses, it looks as though they sent the bendy buses from the UK over there.

  2. You're kidding me...the UK actually exported something? lol


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