Sunday, 28 March 2010

Selective Hearing - MMR/Autism Documentary

The media has pushed a very strict line on this: any suggestion of a link between MMR and autism is pseudoscience and heresy against the Church of Vaccination.


  1. Autism/aspergers has run in my family long before MMR. Correlation isn't a definitive answer. Obviously there is a genetic link, which has been proven more than any vaccine.

  2. Yes indeed, it's just interesting that the film shows that all is not right with how the government has handled the issue.

    They seem to be in the pocket of the drug companies.

    The massive increase in modern day autism cases remains a very difficult thing to explain...exposure to toxins such as mercury would seem to be one plausible explanation...

  3. To me, the biggest red flag can be found at 3:40 in this video here:

    That studies of Amish people, who almost universally reject vaccination, have autism rates impossibly lower than the general population.

  4. The is true idiocy.


I appreciate your comments.