Saturday, 3 April 2010

Quick Links Variety Show 3/Apr/10

7 year old child seized because his "unsuitable" parents did not trust government

Idaho's plans to downgrade the Dollar
A bill to allow citizens to pay their taxes with silver medallions gains support. Goldbugs are watching closely.

The Hollie Greig Revolution is on!

Tony Blair makes £20 million since leaving No.10

Naomi Wolf: Tea Parties Help Fight Fascism

Magnets 'can modify our morality'

US Army wants to brain scan disobedient 'birther' officer

Biblical plagues really happened, say scientists (they blame climate changes; I blame whichever satanic demon was posing as 'God' for that rather inhumane and ungodly part of the

9/11 Thermite Denial: Year in Review

Saudi Arabia about to behead "sorcerer" (psychic)

Martin Luther King - the fatal shot came from a different direction

There were 88 media there are 6
"These are the 6 media companies that exist today. There used to be 88. These 6 all get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. Reuters owns the AP and Rothschilds own Reuters."

Judge strikes fear into big pharma: nullifies patents on human genes BRCA1 (surely we can agree, whatever our views on intellectual property, that patenting life itself is absurd? Doesn't mean it doesn't happen though)

Infiltration of Militias by agents provocateurs of the State

Warrant? We don't need no stinkin' warrant! (totally illegal warrantless home invasion by police)

Republicans were for ObamaCare before they were against it

U.S. and Colombia Cover Up Atrocities Through Mass Graves

Fox news asks, are you cannabis deficient?

Tracking the Illuminati on Facebook
"I found myself at home amongst the Rothschild clan, as if inadvertently ambling into the family estate on an evening stroll."


  1. AdamS have a squeek, she's gone now.

  2. Yep, I heard about this, the body count continues.


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