Friday, 21 May 2010

Love Police founder Charlie Veitch on the Alex Jones Show

Part 4 ^ explains why Danny quit. Honestly I did suspect that would be the reason. Bastards.


  1. so whats the real reason?

    a 19 yr old guy from germany

  2. Willkommen :)

    Why Danny stopped doing the videos? Charlie said, police threatened to declare him mentally insane and take his children away unless he stopped.

  3. Danke sehr ;)

    Yeah, why Danny stopped doing the videos.
    You said, you did suspect this explanation from Charlie. What do you believe is the true reason he did that?

    Oh wait a moment.. No I understand your comment^^
    Okay, everything is clear. You didnt belive, that it was true, that the police realy threatend him.

    Indeed, bastard! :D

  4. The language barrier can be fun sometimes :D

    I fully trust Charlie's statement.

    Nice to hear from you!


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