Friday, 1 October 2010

Depleted Uranium - Killing the Troops

Dr Doug Rokke aka "Dr. DU" speaks to Alex Jones:
1 / 2 / 3
If you are in the military, or you know someone who is, or better yet is going to be, if nothing else at least get 'em to look into DU before they breathe in tank shell dust and die at 30. I respect people who join and serve in the military, if they do so or did so for the right reasons, but certainly in its present incarnation I would not wish that circumstance on anyone.

The ruling class fear war veterans the most as they tend to be the most alert to the criminal nature of the government, and they know how to fight, which alone makes them a primary threat to a totalitarian state.

It's a bit of a catch 22 from the point of view of the manipulators. They do need soldiers, preferably "dumb stupid animals to use as pawns in foreign policy" (H Kissinger). But at the same time, as soon as the soldiers are done serving, they want them out of the picture ASAP, they don't want Vietnam vets sitting at home cleaning their rifles and making lists of traitors for when the time comes. They want homeless, disabled, addicted, preferably dead vets.

It's a simple thing to realise, but what a profound realisation it is indeed, as all the crap kit (at least for British troops), crap medical care, it all makes sense that way, doesn't it?

DU isn't just aimed at our (Western) troops though. Spare a thought for the people in Kosovo and Serbia and Palestine and Israel and Iraq and Afghan who are going to give birth to a baby with its face inside out.

Watch yourselves out there gentlemen. I can see the knife in your back.

Uranium blamed for Gulf War Syndrome (well it's either that or the GW vaccines or both)

Leukemia outbreak among troops (in Bosnia/Kosovo) causes turmoil in NATO

Depleted Uranium, just the tip of the iceberg in Serbia

Toxic munitions cause of baby deaths and deformities in Fallujah

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