Saturday, 27 November 2010

Judge Napolitano: "It's time to change our government"

Brave man. I can't let it pass about him letting it be known he doesn't buy the 9/11 lie. That takes a lot of courage for anyone to do, and humility, to admit how we have all been manipulated. Admitting it is the first step as they say, that will lead to being able to undo some of the manipulations and restore some level of freedom and decency, and 'get the government out of your pants'.

If I believed independent Al-Qaeda Muslim extremists did 9/11, I would support increased security at airports and I would support the war in Afghanistan to an extent, and other elements of the police state to an extent. I think this is true for most of the general population. That's how powerful the bogeyman of false flag terrorism is - and when it dissolves due to the truth being exposed, there goes the police state and the illegal wars too.

Airport security should be at most a metal detector IMO, and nothing should be mandated by government decree, it should be up to the airlines themselves. But sadly things don't work like that, things aren't supposed to work like that, because a group of psychopathic control freaks have tried to make us into their lab rats. I defy you not to come to that conclusion.

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