Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Uh oh. Arizona shooter jewish?

Except h/t ZGR, the only place to find this info is the 'white' sites. ( So my usual disclaimer must again be wheeled out. Most of the 'white' organisations are anglo-supremacist and cover for the Square Mile being the centre of NWO (at least financial) criminality, rather than Israel, which is certainly not a place worthy of defending, but it would be hypocritical to point there and not at British Israel also.

Quite funny how the chosenite ritual is played out, with Palin (so if she's royal-english, that makes her part j too right?) in passing using the term 'blood libel' and then of course we can all (or some of us, if we're special) have a talk about the ruse of anti-Semitism. Oops, I mean rise. The rise of anti-Semitism.

Were the Columbine shooters racist? (only the gentile one could be! lol!)

The effective use of the ultimate taboo in political discourse:
Lib: I am more kosher than you, anti-Semite!
Con: No I am! You're the Nazi!
(Let's ask the ADL and let them decide for us)
Lib/Con: Mr Chosen, Mr Chosen. Who is the biggest shabbat goy of them all?
ADL: You're all promotingk hate. I hate you all, you should be censored. Anti-Semites.
Lib: I think he means you, hateful right wing racists. We support Communism, we can't be anti-Semitic.
Con: No! He means you, you Nazi Muslim sympathiser! I support Israel, I can't be anti-Semitic!
(Rinse and repeat whenever the tribe needs a little extra fundingk)


  1. "Promotingk" and "fundingk".

    LOL! Perfect.

    Oh, what a tangled web the spiders weave.

    (BTW, my word verification was "darki". How racist!)

  2. I'm sure someone had fun designing the word verification system, because I've had a few that made me laugh too.


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