Thursday, 24 March 2011

Get Rid of the Ego?

I hear this a lot from the 'new age' type of people, and firstly let me say that if you really do want to destroy your ego, then good luck and "I" - or "this particular area of the collective awareness" - wishes you all the best.

Because that is one hell of a task to embark upon.

('cause we can't keep down this reptillian braaaaiiiin)

It certainly is true that the ego is a major problem, in that it is via the ego that we are most easily manipulated, and it is because of the ego that we are most likely to be assholes and ruin things.

I agree we would be better off 'reining in' the ego, to be aware of how the state and the corporate world play on the ego to create compliant serfs who, paradoxically, think they are free.

So we cannot allow our psyche to be ego-ruled. But wait a minute...

It is the ego that says "I'm a human being goddamnit; my life has value!"

Without the tempered ego, individual rights aren't possible.

I. Me. My right to self determination. My self ownership. And yours too.

Without the ego, no individuality, no freedom. We are not all one in these terms, we are 6-7 billion. The globalists would love to destroy the ego, IMO. We are all one in ideals, in ideas, in other terms, but - and let's be grateful for this - we are not a hive mind.

1 comment:

  1. The destruction of the 'ego' or self or individuality is the not so subtle aim of the pleas for 'oneness' or the assertion that 'we are all one consciousness' that you see in the various New Age (theosophical), 2012 movements, as well as from 'truthers' such as David Icke.

    As you say it is really a 'psy-op' aimed at creating a hive minded conformity. The ego is merely a tool to be used and is only problematic when it is mistaken as the only reality or when it gets out of control.

    Awareness of it, conscious effort to avoid its worst excesses and to discover its correct application seem more sensible than the vain attempt at its destruction.


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