Wednesday, 28 October 2009

UKIP make the EU Parliament interesting

Globalists and global warming alarmists fill the EU bureaucracy...but these chaps are a little different.


  1. Huzzah for the both of them!

    I feel the same way about Obama as President of the U.S. as the one gentleman feels about Tony Blair being the Emperor of the E.U..

    "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God!"

  2. TBH I'm cringing a little at the use of the word 'democracy'.

    "Freedom and Democracy" seems like doublespeak to me...but we don't have any cultural understanding of democracy vs republic like you do. So I tolerate it :)

    Voted UKIP, and it seems worth it.

    Also why don't we say Huzzah more? Nobody British says Huzzah today. Maybe it's sort of like why Germans don't say Heil, 'cause it reminds them of a time when their country was doing evil (British Empire)?

  3. I say huzzah 'cuz the American Revolutionaries said it.

    (Like so many other things, y'all came up with it, we perfected it!)

    *Kidding all over the place!*

    Yeah, Democracy is one of those words one doesn't like to say due to modern perversion of the term, and by the actual application of pure Democracy in the past.

    (The whole, "Vote to kill Socrates," thing put a damper on the "freedom" part of Hellenistic Democracy.)

    I subscribe to Jeffersonian Democracy.

  4. All true.


    We invent things and you *steal* them :D


I appreciate your comments.