Daily Mail: Taliban hire sniper to hit troops at 600yds: British soldier shot dead through 9in gap in glass shield

Clue 1 - Clue 2 - Clue 3 is the Zbig video from yesterday.
It's hard to really grasp their mindset, but the monuments they build to the dead provide a clue. We have Christmas trees, wedding dresses, Easter eggs, Halloween pumpkins...but all they ever have are Bonfires.
To them, it's not winning a war that counts, it's the taking part (or the taking apart).
What's that expression about realising it's Thanksgiving and you are the turkey.
Something like that.
RIP young Sapper.
World Qods Day
Historical epic to the Zionist regime
Will show
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העולם קודס יום
אפוס היסטורי על המשטר הציוני
Peace on Islam
Death to Taliban
Death to al-Qaida
Death to al CIAda indeed, many of my readers may not know that an al qaeda affiliate ("Jundullah") has been bombing innocent Ayranian civilians for years now, under orders from our friendly Anglo-American TPTB trouble makers of course.
Not so sure about the Taliban, they just look like brave/crazy peasants defending their land against the most sophisticated killing machine in human history, except of course when our intel agencies give them a leg up to keep the fight going. Prophets and profits, eh.
Peace on Islam indeed. Just as long as the kaffirs are converted on pain of death, eh...
(ah monotheism, what joy you have brought us, amen ra)
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