13 May 2011

UPDATE: Due to this BS thing where I can do everything with this blog except publish a post, I have moved home to Wordpress: http://ncnblogger.wordpress.com/ (this will remain as an archive and be damn sure I will still read all your wonderful blogs as ever). Those who have linked me please update the link. Thanks all. Looking forward to continued blogging in the future.

2 May

Today's news is that Osama is dead. Well it's sort of 10 year old news, but there you go. Supposedly one of the very mind controlled special forces shot him in the head, although given the notorious nature of the invading forces' willingness to kill someone then play dress up afterwards, who knows it may have been a woman who they drew a beard on with marker pen. Photo looks 'shopped but what do I know. Then again corpses just like your TV dinner keep very well in the freezer...lol...


Anyway I'm off to get kidney dialysis using only sand and donkey piss while being hunted by all the satellites and spy planes that a trillion dollar military budget can buy, for ten years. Ciao

PS does this mean the war on terror is over now and 'we' can come home and dismantle the police state and not have RFID passports and iris scans and creepy wiretaps anymore? (Comptroller says no)

Monday 15 November 2010

George W accused of plaigiarism in memoirs

• In Decision Points, Bush describes the inauguration of Hamid Karzai, which he did not attend: "As Karzai walked across the tarmac alone, a stunned Tajik warlord asked where all his men were. Karzai said: 'Why, General, you are my men. All of you who are Afghans are my men.'"

• From Ahmed Rashid's The Mess in Afghanistan in the New York Review of Books, as related personally to him by Karzai: "As the two men shook hands on the tarmac, Fahim [the Tajik warlord] looked confused. 'Where are your men?' he asked. Karzai turned to him in his disarmingly gentle manner of speaking. 'Why General,' he replied, 'You are my men – all of you are Afghans and are my men …'"

• From Decision Points, quoting John McCain in a manner that suggests he is talking to the then president: "'I cannot guarantee success,' he said, 'But I can guarantee failure if we don't adopt this new strategy.'"

•From an interview by McCain with the Washington Post in 2007: "'I cannot guarantee success, but I can guarantee failure if we don't adopt this new strategy,' he said.'"

George Bush accused of borrowing from other books in his memoirs

As a footnote to this, since investigating the anglo-supremacist faction of the illuminati, I recall something I took note of from back in I think mid 2008. For the life of me I can't remember the publication, but there was an 'expose' on W's reading list. Now the author was coming at it from that 'liberal' perspective, so they talked about some book that forecasted the fall of the West to Islam and how the 'Anglosphere' would be the last vestige of civilisation. The article of course said that was Islamophobic and racist, both of which it might well be I suppose, although I maintain it's OK to be a little 'phobic' of a crazy slavery-death cult that is being allowed to invade Europe, yeah. But my point here is they did not comment on the specifically anglo-saxon or English nature of the supremacism, thus tarring white people with the same brush, using them as shields for the illuminati.

As some black people have said for years, most of the world is run by white devils, pigmentationally white, but I guess to the blacks 'they all look the same', so the distinction has not been made. Anyway these days they have bred up bluebloods like Obama the fake black man (6% black) to fool black people, so the white devils thing is kind of outdated.

The rulers of the world breed their families like a trainer would breed horses, I suggest it is totally planned and co-ordinated, except unlike good horses, these people are really really inbred. (just look into Darwin/Huxley family's experiments with marrying only their cousins for instance.)

Hey that's another slur against all white people that really only belongs to this ruling cabal. Inbred? Compared to arabs, white people have nothing to worry about in that regard. First cousin marriages are common in the arab world, whereas white people frown upon them. Albinism (a recessive genetic condition which inbreeding causes an increase of) is rarer in the first world than elsewhere*. Inbred. What a libel. Surely white people are just as, or less inbred than many other groups.

* I don't know for sure that the only factor affecting albinism rates is inbreeding, but don't tell me that if it was the other way around, politically correct people would not jump to exactly that conclusion.

My I ramble off topic. Anyway - Bush, like all of his cousins Cheney Obama Palin Clinton all related to the Royals, they are all bloodline AAA chosen gods and you are not, now learn to submit like a good white or black slave.

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