Israel has worse publicity today than ever before. In order to 'win' at PR, you would think Hamas would just shut up and let Israel's atrocities do the talking. If, that is, Hamas' goal was to secure self determination for the Palestinian people.
But that isn't Hamas' goal, is it? Hamas benefits from the ongoing war every bit as much as the Israeli government does, don't kid yourself.
You can spot who is serving the agenda, because they always, always (they can't help it) wade into the middle of the arena and stir shit up gratuitously. To, as a Palestinian representative, say that Western people 'live worse than animals', just as public opinion in the West has been shifting against Israel. How stupid, or convenient, hmm?
Hamas are traitors to the Palestinian people.
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it"

LaRouche: British Push USA Into Asia Land War (PDF)
No foreign aid to Israel, nor any other country for that matter. Foreign aid from the state is immoral and usually causes trouble.
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