Honorary Guide of the Raelian Movement
just in case you don't know he's like g-d to the ztgeist people.
"Maybe most importantly, because these start to offer actual solutions for achieving harmony among all people, are his observations that human behavior is totally subjective to one’s environment and not upon one universal value system. For example, if a child is raised as a Hindu, they will have a very different value system than a child who is raised as a Christian in the US – and both children would see the world quite different from a child raised as a Muslim in the Middle East. What is considered “right and normal” for you is true for you for the reason that you were raised in that particular value system. This is how a few men felt very justified in flying airplanes into buildings and how Bush and some Americans felt justified in exacting revenge for such an act – even if it was disguised as “self defense”. Politicians, through the manipulation of the media and the colorization of facts, constantly capitalize on their own domestic value system in order to maintain power and wealth. Unfortunately, many times they don’t even realize they are doing it.
Luckyly it is possible to change one’s value system despite the strong manipulation of the politicians and religious leaders. This is exactly what is taught by Rael at the Raelian Seminars as well as in his peripheral writings. Two particularly great books for this are Sensual Meditation and The Maitreya, both of which are available on www.rael.org"
That honour was from 2008. A more recent recipient is Julian Assange.

The Raelien movement has been tied to some significant people involved with the NWO. I would suggest that receiving praise from them implies the recipient has furthered the interests of the NWO gang more than anything.
Fresko is a commie. (If you need proof of that watch the second Ztgeist film, where he tells you as much.)
The Ztgeist movement is commie.
And the raeliens are an orgytastic freak show.
"Their purpose is to pacify...the world". LOL
Just lie down over there, don't resist...
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