"Thus John Beddoe, who later became the President of the Anthropological Institute (1889-1891), wrote in his The Races of Britain (1862) that all men of genius were orthognathous (less prominent jaw bones) while the Irish and the Welsh were prognathous and that the Celt was closely related to Cromagnon man, who, in turn, was linked, according to Beddoe, to the "Africanoid". The position of the Celt in Beddoe's "Index of Nigrescence" was very different from that of the Anglo-Saxon. These ideas were not confined to a lunatic fringe of the scientific community, for although they never won over the mainstream of British scientists they were disseminated broadly and it was even hinted that the Irish might be the elusive missing link! Certainly the "ape-like" Celt became something of a malevolent cliche of Victorian racism. Thus Charles Kingsley could write ". . . I am haunted by the human chimpanzees I saw [in Ireland] . . . I don't believe they are our fault. . . . But to see white chimpanzees is dreadful; if they were black, one would not feel it so much. . . ." (Charles Kingsley in a letter to his wife, quoted in L.P. Curtis, Anglo-Saxons and Celts: A Study of Anti-Irish Prejudice in Victorian England, 1968, 84)." - Source: http://www.victorianweb.org/history/race/rc5.html
AAA = Anglo-saxon Ashkenazi/sephardi Alliance as per http://www.savethemales.ca/englands_jewish_aristocracy.html
That's a little something the anglo-saxons who rage against the jews won't tell you. The anglo-saxon establishment and jewish establishment are defacto one. Supremacist, hateful, destroyers. I suppose black people who talk about "white devils" running the world have a point...but I would invite them to look a little closer and see the AAA supremacism for what it is. Certainly not all white people. This is an unashamedly pro white blog, yeah, in support of all those good white people whose name has been tarnished by a few, and barely anyone realises this.
The slave traders of african and european slaves were mostly AAA and of course arabs (which is a separate issue). The "white establishment" is AAA wall to wall. There's about as many white europeans in there as black people or anyone else. All bluebloods, Illuminati bloodlines, with a few token black and white guys around the edges to keep people fooled.
The way they treat the Irish on Stormfront (which is anglo-saxon controlled anti-jewish rage) says it all. Because the Irish, most of them, still remember.
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