Note - Given the recent offering on Makow's site (author's name suggests she is probably a Yorkshire anglo-saxon; although another site said the name came from Welsh, there is barely anyone from Wales with that name), I felt now was a good time for this post.

I have read many sites on the web about aliens, or about 2012, or many other things. But I have never, ever, come across such
deep rows upon rows of bullshit, as when looking into British Israelism.
If you have, you'll know that it's rare for two BI theories to be the same. One says the English are Israelites, another says all British people are, and a third says all European people are Israelites...yes that apparently includes the ones who cannot have had anything to do with old Israel, as they were kind of, you know, here in Europe 2000+ years ago.
(Although I did find this to be pretty credible...'Did the English originate in Persia?')One says the British Israelites are relatives of the modern Jews/Israelis - while another is repulsed by the very suggestion and insists that all modern Jews/Israelis are Khazars and not Israelites (somehow I doubt that...even if all the Ashkenazim were completely Khazar, which is dubious, you still have the Sephardim, who certainly are Semitic like the Arabs - and it seems that
Jews are "one people" genetically, which again weakens the Khazar argument).
I don't dispute that it is possible that there were/are hebrews in every country in Europe, going back to the fall of old Israel or before. But just because a small group of 'Israelites' arrives in a country, that does not make everyone living there an Israelite!
And then you have to wade through stuff like this:
"1066: Angles (Tribe of Ephraim) Saxons (Issac's sons) Jutes (Tribe of Yehuda) and Normans (Tribe of Benjamin) invade England; they are all Celts." (
Sounds like "an Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman walk into a bar...", lol. So who is a Celt then? How on earth can you say a group of people are both Celts and Israelites? It's like saying Khazars are Semitic. Makes no sense. Much like most of what is written re British Israelism.
Ancient England Had Apartheid Like Society"The laws reveal that the life of an Anglo-Saxon was worth far more than that of a native Briton, who was known as a "Welshman" by the Anglo-Saxons at the time.
If an Anglo-Saxon was killed, for example, the "blood money" payable to the victim's family was two to five times more than that of a "Welshman." "
So here we have, ahem, 'Germanic' apartheid. Funny really, if anything it reminds me of Israel-Palestine, more than anything else.
Talmudic rules. Hmm...
In the end, IMO, they give themselves away on
this page. quote,
"If you read something bad about the Talmud do not believe it.""(ii) Did Jewish Refugees from Romans Become Anglo-Saxon Warriors?
Alternately there may have been Jews from Judah who were thrust out of the Roman Empire into Germany and there were assimilated amongst the Anglo-Saxons as Doug Weller suggested. In Northern Dialects the terms Jew and Jute are interchangeable and the Jutes were together with the Angles and Saxons."Finally from that page we also learn that the real motivation behind conspiracy theories is, quote,
"blind hatred of the English, of the Jews, and of the USA along with blatant disregard for the truth."Yeah, if you criticise British Israel then they get out the
Anti-Semite card, just like if you criticise Israel.
AnglophilesMuch like the Zionists also like to do, the American/Western media is saturated with 'Anglophile' propaganda, glamourising royalty, glamourising the English bluebloods (
here is a little of the hidden reality), and of course glamourising the B'rithish Empire, making Americans out to be the big bad guys while poor England/Britain has to go along and follow whatever they do, for instance see the Iraq war. That is a vicious lie, it is quite the opposite. how the antiwar sites are all ready to discuss Iraq being a war for oil, or to control oil, yet are very very wary of talking about how the Afghan war is a war to spread the opium trade? Or, if they do touch the opium issue, they will say it's the CIA. Oh, sure, the CIA has been involved with drugs in S America. But opium dealing is an English Crown speciality. The British Empire
fought a war with China solely to force them to accept the Crown's opium crop, and lest we forget, they have been to war in Afghanistan several times before. Today the crop coming out of Afghanistan is
primarily directed at Russia, as the long term geopolitical UK-USAROG strategy has been to suppress and encircle Russia.
(For more on the war against Russia, see this documentary, "Death of a Nation", with Louis Theroux's brother hosting. If you can't recognise this as Meye6 gloating, there is no hope for you...)Now I am not talking here about all English people. For goodness' sake, I live in England! I know ordinary English people! Like, when criticising Jewish supremacism or Zionism, is that a criticism of all Jews? No! Ordniary Jews should figure out where their leaders are taking them, because it won't work out well. Israel is probably going to be thrown to the wolves this century. Likewise may be the case with England, as China is being built up to be the new British Empire, since America has exhausted itself fulfilling that role. Look at the media telling you all about how great China is, it's awful. China is a Communist slave state and a model of 'perfect' NWO tyranny (although I concede, not as much as DPRK!).
Anyway, I'm sidetracking myself. British Israelism is Crown Loyalism is
English Supremacism is
Talmudism at its finest. No I don't think the people of Europe are, to any significant percentage, Israelites. Except perhaps many of the English who do not look German, let's be frank here. Look at German people and then supposedly 'Germanic' English people, they don't look the same. I'm not trying to insult or demean
anyone here, just stating the facts as I see them. A lot of hebraic features can be observed in this country, especially among the bluebloods. Maybe that is the truth behind the backstory of British Israelism.