The recent Climategate email leaks have had a massive effect on the believers in AGW theory. Scientists churning out junk science! Who'd have thunk it?
(As an aside, this whole story has had a profound effect on Mike Adams of, who is now something of a GW sceptic. But he should be, as his site knows what it's like to fight uphill against government-mandated junk science brainwashing.)

But there remains another - less important, but nonetheless vital - deception to conquer. And that is Peak Oil.
This is the notion that oil production will, or has, reached a 'peak' as available reserves run out. It's what you get taught in school ('oh, we only have enough oil for 20 years' or whatever). But we are finding more all the time!
The Peak Oil argument is that we are not finding enough new oil reserves to continue our consumption for any significant length of time. There's only one problem with that...WE ARE!
Quoted from that article - see JUST ONE example of how Peak Oil is a fraud:
"8. The United States holds significant oil shale resources underlying a total area of 16,000 square miles. This represents the largest known concentration of oil shale in the world and holds an estimated 1.5 trillion barrels of oil with 800 billion recoverable barrells – enough to meet U.S. demand for oil at current levels for 110 years. More than 70 percent of American oil shale is on Federal land, primarily in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. In Utah, a developer says his company already has the technology to produce 4,000 barrels a day using a furnace that can heat up rock using its own fuel. ``This is not a science project,'' said Daniel G. Elcan, managing director of Oil Shale Exploration Corp. ``For many years, the high cost of extracting oil from shale exceeded the benefit. But today the calculus is changing,'' President George Bush said. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said the country has to do everything it can to boost energy production. ``We have as much oil in oil shale in Utah, Wyoming and Colorado as the rest of the world combined,'' he said."
In other words, who's stopping the extraction of all this oil? The US government is. In collusion, I expect, with the oil companies. To drive up prices. A delicious cartel arrangement made much more profitable by the Peak Oil Fraud.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying oil is infinite. But it's not running out anytime soon. If it was, then America would be Drilling Baby Drilling right now, believe me.
We will not run out of oil. Rather, new technology will simply replace oil in much the same way that fossil fuels replaced the use of trees for wood. Oil will be obsolete. It should already be. Cartels are keeping oil in place for their own interests. Where's that hydrogen powered car, eh? Nuclear tech/geothermal replacing coal fired power stations? Give it time.
PS: I don't believe human co2 production has much at all to do with global temps, but if you believe that then come on, support the new technology we do have (which happens to be non-co2 emitting) instead of bitching at Copenhagen that we need global carbon taxes and less children because 'we are a cancer on the Earth' or something. Malthusianism is the delusion of the defeatist, and the invention of the eugenicist.