Weeds Are Now Resisting Monsanto Weed Killer, Spurring Crisis in American Agriculture
Yep, thanks to Monsanto Roundup, American agriculture is in quite a fix now. See, Monsanto sells genetically modified seed that’s supposed to survive spraying with their weedkiller. Unfortunately, the weeds learned to resist it – and now their GMO seed is struggling against the pesticide-resistant weeds that evolved as a result of their own product.
Wouldn’t it be nice if companies thought that far ahead before they pushed their products into the mainstream? And wouldn’t it be nice if we had government agencies that didn’t rubber stamp them?
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Oh yes AdamS their chemists may be cliver but they don't get the powers of DNA.
I wonder whether nature is siding with us sometimes...hope so, haha. The Gore Effect and now this. C'mon you weeds!
What scunnert said with bells on.
Well, that's what you get when you fool around with nature!
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