‘Death panels’ were an overblown claim – until now

Mother Left To Starve - Really? No Death Panels?
In other words, it was actually a 'conspiracy theory' (read: beyond the limits of acceptable discussion) to tell the truth; that American socialised medicine will have the same results as all other parallel systems.
Oh, we know. Ask any average brainwashed Brit about 'the health service' and rationing of care, and they will tell you that sometimes tough decisions have to be made. They don't question that perhaps there are other ways of doing things, though. It's just accepted as part of having a government run system with limited resources and bureaucrats (who know best) in charge of distributing them 'appropriately'.
This is your 'death panel'. (they're not really very NICE, it's kind of like Miniluv, Minitruth etc)
It is unquestionable.
I don't care even if you support the economic quasi-rape that is Dr Barry Soetero's Magick Formula (removes the baby boom retirement demographic crisis in one easy step).
Death panels, as you call them, are inseparable from government run health systems. You can't have your little commie pony without accepting that it will shit all over your driveway, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
We Brits should know...we're up to our knees in the stuff.
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