Last week, responding to a deluge of news reports tying Israel to Wikileaks, Julian Assange announced he finally planned to release 3700 cables from the US Embassy in Tel Aviv, documents previously withheld from the public. In a press release, Assange said he planned the “dump” in 6 months but didn’t indicate how many other documents involving Israel were being withheld.

ADL’s website is loading up with warnings and attacks, all defending Wikileaks and Julian Assange and attacking news sources that print materials either critical of Julian Assange or citing Israel’s involvement in Wikileak’s agreement to allow material critical of Israel to be censored.
The ADL source cited publications and as the largest threats, followed by author Jeff Gates.
It isn’t a very well kept secret that the ADL and AIPAC are agencies of Israeli intelligence. Their litany of transgressions is being dragged into the open by former AIPAC Lobbyist Steve Rosen in his defamation lawsuit against that organization. In 2004, the FBI tried to close AIPAC down for spying, only to see their criminal cases blocked by Bush administration officials.
Now, with the ADL openly going after the press for reporting ties between Julian Assange and Israel and Assange’s agreement to allow Wikileaks to be censored by both Israel and press organizations working with them, has exposed Wikileaks to even more embarrassment.
ADL actions to publicly defend Wikileaks is blowing up in their faces...
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I will only add that a lot of the annoying trolls that go around pointing to Jews this and Israel that, and saying that all roads lead to Tel Aviv, are probably MI6. If you want to know which foreign power is the 'Occupation Government' of the US, look at London first and Tel Aviv second. Unless of course by Israel you mean British Israel, in which case I agree.
WTF? Your cartoon depicting the ADL as jackbooted destroyers of churches is something I would expect from Neo Nazi, far left or Islamofascist websites. As someone who lives in the States, the ADL is a mainstream group. It is politically astute and does not engage in attack campaigns. Moreover, the ADL has a great relationship with its Christian neighbors, must of whom support its moderate agenda.
Moderate agenda? Hmm. The new fascism is anti-fascism. Have you not considered the ADL's role, for instance, in pushing to outlaw 'hate speech' which is a foot in the door for political censorship of all kinds?
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