British workers will have to toil until the end of May before their earnings are truly their own.
For the first 149 days of 2011, every penny earned will go to pay the taxman.
Despite drastic cuts, Britons will spend more days working to fund State spending this year than last. The so-called Tax Freedom Day will fall on May 29 next year, compared with May 27 this year.
Economists at the Adam Smith Institute, the free-market think-tank, say the two extra days are needed because of the rise in VAT, which goes up from 17.5 per cent to 20 per cent on January 4.
Tom Clougherty, its executive director, said: ‘The fact that we spend almost five months working for the State – and only seven months for ourselves and our families – is a shocking indictment of big, wasteful government.
‘As well as hitting every household, the VAT hike is going to dent consumer confidence and put a dampener on economic recovery.’
Dr Eamonn Butler, director of the institute, said: ‘The Coalition should examine the possibility of making targeted tax cuts now. But in the long term, they need to fundamentally overhaul the system. Lower, simpler, flatter taxes would be fairer for individuals and better for the economy.’
Full Article
I'm not a muppet. I left that last paragraph in there so you can see the 'free market' crooks asking for flatter taxes, which none of them will be paying anyway since they all live in tax havens. Yeah, how about we tax your precious derivatives, hmm Tory types? Although really just ban them, they are total fraud. But if they're not going to be banned, then tax them like Tarpley says.

Unintended consequences? They know full well what they're doing, they feign ignorance to avoid responsibility. How about the pimps get thrown in prison like Putin is doing in Russia? They think they're untouchable.
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