13 May 2011

UPDATE: Due to this BS thing where I can do everything with this blog except publish a post, I have moved home to Wordpress: http://ncnblogger.wordpress.com/ (this will remain as an archive and be damn sure I will still read all your wonderful blogs as ever). Those who have linked me please update the link. Thanks all. Looking forward to continued blogging in the future.

2 May

Today's news is that Osama is dead. Well it's sort of 10 year old news, but there you go. Supposedly one of the very mind controlled special forces shot him in the head, although given the notorious nature of the invading forces' willingness to kill someone then play dress up afterwards, who knows it may have been a woman who they drew a beard on with marker pen. Photo looks 'shopped but what do I know. Then again corpses just like your TV dinner keep very well in the freezer...lol...


Anyway I'm off to get kidney dialysis using only sand and donkey piss while being hunted by all the satellites and spy planes that a trillion dollar military budget can buy, for ten years. Ciao

PS does this mean the war on terror is over now and 'we' can come home and dismantle the police state and not have RFID passports and iris scans and creepy wiretaps anymore? (Comptroller says no)

Saturday 6 February 2010

"Israel Please, No More Bin Laden Tapes, Nobody Is Buying It"

Veterans Today article

As for the first comment on there, I can only refer to:

Israel's foreign ministry organises volunteers to flood sites with pro-Israel comments


Anonymous said...

Well with so much anti Israel sentiment being banded about you can't say they don't need it!

AdamS said...

Fair point. Evil regimes always need to control the flow of information exposing their crimes, which is one reason why Israel often bars journalists from entering occupied Palestine.

SoldierofYah said...

The jewish state of "Israel" has a LONG history of perpetrating terrorism, and then blaming the attacks on Muslims, in order to have others attack their enemies. These are called "false flag attacks".

Examples include:

1. The King David Hotel bombing, an attack carried out by the militant right-wing Zionist underground organisation, the Irgun on the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946. The attackers were disguised as Arabs. The goal of the attack was to fram the Arabs, having the British take the side of the Israelis against the Palestinians. source

2. The "Lavon Affair" - a failed Israeli covert operation in Egypt known as Operation Susannah, in which Israeli military intelligence planted bombs in Egyptian, American and British-owned targets in Egypt in the summer of 1954 in the hopes that "the Muslim Brotherhood, the Communists, 'unspecified malcontents' or 'local nationalists'" would be blamed. source

3. The 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, in which the Israeli military attacked an US spy vessell in the attempt to sink the ship and blame it on Egypt in order to trick U.S. into the 6-day war on the side of Israel.

CBS: Lyndon Johnson Ordered Cover-Up of Israeli Attack on USS Liberty

This may come as a shock, but the evidence is overwhelming and conclusive that the 9/11 attacks were also such a "false flag" operation. The Mossad was heavily involved in the attacks -- framing Arab "hijackers", and Mossad agents were actually arrested in NYC on 9/11 filming and CELEBRATING the attacks. No joke.

Read about here:
"The Five Dancing Israelis" - Mossad agents filmed WTC attack and celebrated, arrested in white van with explosive traces, maps of area

And for the best compendium of evidence, read the following excellent article:
Stranger Than Fiction: An Independent Investigation of 9-11 And the War On Terrorism

For those who may be baffled as to how the Jews/Israelis, our supposed "ally" could do this...the reality is that the "jews" are NOT the actual descendants of the Israelites, and therefore are NOT "God's Chosen People." They are not Israelites, but are masquerading as such. They are actually descendants of the Khazars and Edomites, and top Jewish scholars admit it. Research for yourself.

AdamS said...

I am aware of

a) Israeli false flags "By way of deception you shall do war"...though I do not believe, for example, that the attacks of 9/11 were perpetrated primarily by Mossad. Although anyone who has looked into the Dancing Israelis incident, or the evidence of Israeli foreknowledge of 9/11, will know there was Mossad/Israeli govt complicity in those events. At the very least, they liked that it did happen because they benefited massively from it.

b) The real genetic history of Medieval-era Khazar Jewish converts, which makes the arguments for creating modern Israel more flawed than they already were (even if they were related by descent to the orignial Israelites, I would still not have supported the Zionist arguments)

I am not of the belief that anyone is 'Chosen' or 'Special' in terms of being superior to another human. We are all free individuals.

Older Posts

Undebunkable Chemtrails Video That The "Debunkers" Ignore...

...and yes, Chemtrails interfere with weather

(but why they are used, no-one fully knows...)

And You Tell Me There's No Suppressed Technology?

It's another of those 'conspiracy theories' that good citizens don't notice. Imagine the standard of living if all the secret technology was released to the public...we'd be "free and independent" as JFK said! No more poverty anywhere! Can you imagine being sick enough to withhold such technology from society just to maintain your position of control? (Bearing in mind that we don't know just how much technological capability is being withheld, because, duh, it's secret.) What did Nikola Tesla really develop?

Individual Liberty? But that's "selfish"!

No, we need to look after each other voluntarily without having a government do all that at gunpoint. Sounds absurd at first but soon you realise that the reason it sounds so is because of the very unfree nature of our current existence. Envision greater possibilities! Ok, some kind of massive wake-up would be needed before this kind of free, responsible, uncontrollable society could emerge. And that's what we are seeing day by day in the world - a massive waking up of the previously enslaved masses (including myself I must add!)

I'm Already Against The Next War

I'm Already Against The Next War
Stop the propaganda before it's here. If some kind of terror attack happens in the West, Iran probably didn't do it. They have no history of imperialism and would be suicidal to attack the West. Think who benefits. No bombing of Iran.