13 May 2011

UPDATE: Due to this BS thing where I can do everything with this blog except publish a post, I have moved home to Wordpress: http://ncnblogger.wordpress.com/ (this will remain as an archive and be damn sure I will still read all your wonderful blogs as ever). Those who have linked me please update the link. Thanks all. Looking forward to continued blogging in the future.

2 May

Today's news is that Osama is dead. Well it's sort of 10 year old news, but there you go. Supposedly one of the very mind controlled special forces shot him in the head, although given the notorious nature of the invading forces' willingness to kill someone then play dress up afterwards, who knows it may have been a woman who they drew a beard on with marker pen. Photo looks 'shopped but what do I know. Then again corpses just like your TV dinner keep very well in the freezer...lol...


Anyway I'm off to get kidney dialysis using only sand and donkey piss while being hunted by all the satellites and spy planes that a trillion dollar military budget can buy, for ten years. Ciao

PS does this mean the war on terror is over now and 'we' can come home and dismantle the police state and not have RFID passports and iris scans and creepy wiretaps anymore? (Comptroller says no)

Monday 5 April 2010

Quick Links Variety Show 5/Apr/10

Australia to appoint population minister

Yes, the naked body scanners do transmit your image in 'select' cases (read: you're all going in a database)

Recent Growth In The Economy Is But A Mirage
"We have an economy run on smoke and mirrors, based on the manipulation of markets."

Exposing the Government's Lies
"Judge Andrew Napolitano opens his new book, Lies the Government Told You, with that quote, and that’s the book’s theme: the State is our enemy because it constantly lies, steals, and kills."

Inside the seething green roach pit where they EAT their own

US special forces 'tried to cover-up' botched Khataba raid in Afghanistan

Why Hiroshima Was Destroyed
"Japanese officials have been effectively prevented from taking any stand on this matter because the American military occupation, which officially ended in 1952 with the Treaty with Japan, was quietly continued. Today, 49,000 American troops are still stationed in Japan, and there is no public discussion of the crimes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

New Hollie Greig site - holliedemandsjustice.org

Tracking the Bilderbergers on Facebook
"I came across a connected link, from one of the group's member pages, prophesying with some certainty ... an epic disaster of untold proportion, billed as...
'Great Earthquake L.A. Calif. USA 2010'"
(earthquake rocks California hours after this is posted)

The very ugly truth - what 'democracy' truly is!
The truth is you are not electing anyone and it has all been sorted out in advance, because it would never be allowed to be down to just CHANCE!!

Ibuproven and other NSAIDs kill 2,500 a year in UK

US Pilots: medicated in the cockpit
"What would happen if the Columbine high school rampage shooters who were psyched out on mind-altering antidepressant drugs had been piloting a jet airliner instead?"

The Captain Cook Conspiracy
Historians and archaeologists consistently ignore solid evidence that Captain James Cook was not the first European to discover Australia while government agencies regularly prohibit access to shipwreck sites which would uncover proof for this assertion.

Barack Obama, former CIA agent

Some 9/11 hijackers are alive and well (Russia Today)

Congressman: Guam's overpopulation means it is in danger of capsizing!

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Undebunkable Chemtrails Video That The "Debunkers" Ignore...

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And You Tell Me There's No Suppressed Technology?

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Individual Liberty? But that's "selfish"!

No, we need to look after each other voluntarily without having a government do all that at gunpoint. Sounds absurd at first but soon you realise that the reason it sounds so is because of the very unfree nature of our current existence. Envision greater possibilities! Ok, some kind of massive wake-up would be needed before this kind of free, responsible, uncontrollable society could emerge. And that's what we are seeing day by day in the world - a massive waking up of the previously enslaved masses (including myself I must add!)

I'm Already Against The Next War

I'm Already Against The Next War
Stop the propaganda before it's here. If some kind of terror attack happens in the West, Iran probably didn't do it. They have no history of imperialism and would be suicidal to attack the West. Think who benefits. No bombing of Iran.