13 May 2011

UPDATE: Due to this BS thing where I can do everything with this blog except publish a post, I have moved home to Wordpress: http://ncnblogger.wordpress.com/ (this will remain as an archive and be damn sure I will still read all your wonderful blogs as ever). Those who have linked me please update the link. Thanks all. Looking forward to continued blogging in the future.

2 May

Today's news is that Osama is dead. Well it's sort of 10 year old news, but there you go. Supposedly one of the very mind controlled special forces shot him in the head, although given the notorious nature of the invading forces' willingness to kill someone then play dress up afterwards, who knows it may have been a woman who they drew a beard on with marker pen. Photo looks 'shopped but what do I know. Then again corpses just like your TV dinner keep very well in the freezer...lol...


Anyway I'm off to get kidney dialysis using only sand and donkey piss while being hunted by all the satellites and spy planes that a trillion dollar military budget can buy, for ten years. Ciao

PS does this mean the war on terror is over now and 'we' can come home and dismantle the police state and not have RFID passports and iris scans and creepy wiretaps anymore? (Comptroller says no)

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Wiki Leak Leek Spin is Milintel Spin?

I think that it may well have been genuine to start with, but then so was the tea party, which was started as early as 2006 by patriotic truthers*. And then things kind of get dragged into the abyss by milint.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Assange isn't someone who should be protected. Even if there is a 1/100 chance of him not being Mossad or MI6, having him go down on some ludicrous rape charge would be awful. The whole thing reminds me of july4patriot. The .gov people will use anything against you, and if that doesn't work just stick a pipe bomb in your car like they did to Edgar Steele or many militia types in the US. Sexual abuse accusations are the best, because, I mean, who would want to defend an 'accused paedophile' like july4patriot, huh? Any credible, independent people will be branded like that. Your branding may come in many forms, for instance David Icke will always be the one who said he was the Son of God. If they can get you with something like that (to prevent you from disturbing the peaceful sleep of the herd) then there's no need to go ahead with further subterfuge. I guess that's not as bad as being accused of 'raping' some crypto-j feminazi, and ending up in prison.

Anyway, there's always Cryptome. But they don't make the papers of course.

*a fact I like to reiterate often on this blog. Rick Santelli would never have made his speech on CNBC if not for the action of 9/11 truthers and other Ron Paul supporters who were building the tea party to the point where the gov had to co-opt it - enter Santelli/Fox News.

PS Leek Spin...Operation Leakspin. That's where they got the name from. By 'they', I of course mean 4chan, the Cyber Illuminati behind everything on the web...


Anonymous said...

Isn't a website which posts the secret documents of our government's intelligence agency a menace to our freedoms? Shouldn't this man be imprisoned for the mere fact that he knowingly put our nations security in jeopardy? I thoroughly question his motives for throwing all this information out onto the world stage.
I also question who is REALLY behind these continuing leaks. Why isn't the US government hauling his butt to court?

AdamS said...

I think to an extent it may be MI6/Mossad sabotaging America, yes. The US government is a ROG, Pre-1776, a Colony of the Crown, and you are right, this Assange business leaves them looking pretty impotent as Assange is being protected it seems by their Colonial masters.

Personally I am against secrecy in general, and I believe if the government isn't doing anything wrong they should have nothing to hide, as they constantly tell us.

I think if something like Wikileaks was going on in every country, without trying to sound like a hippy, the world would be a better place.

I am of the opinion that secrecy in government is more dangerous to the people than any foreign threat. For instance look up the MIAC Documents, which list people with some political viewpoints as being terrorists. Those were leaked anonymously by concerned gov workers, which is a good example of (IMO) why all whistleblowers should be protected.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that clarification. I do think though that if the Pentagon's business was an open book it would be rather difficult to secure our nation and our interests militarily, or, for that matter in any other way.
America has far too many enemies who will take any opportunity to use our classified documents against us.

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Undebunkable Chemtrails Video That The "Debunkers" Ignore...

...and yes, Chemtrails interfere with weather

(but why they are used, no-one fully knows...)

And You Tell Me There's No Suppressed Technology?

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Individual Liberty? But that's "selfish"!

No, we need to look after each other voluntarily without having a government do all that at gunpoint. Sounds absurd at first but soon you realise that the reason it sounds so is because of the very unfree nature of our current existence. Envision greater possibilities! Ok, some kind of massive wake-up would be needed before this kind of free, responsible, uncontrollable society could emerge. And that's what we are seeing day by day in the world - a massive waking up of the previously enslaved masses (including myself I must add!)

I'm Already Against The Next War

I'm Already Against The Next War
Stop the propaganda before it's here. If some kind of terror attack happens in the West, Iran probably didn't do it. They have no history of imperialism and would be suicidal to attack the West. Think who benefits. No bombing of Iran.