Following Hungary And Ireland, France Is Next To Seize Pension Funds
Nigel Farage: Why we would all be better off out of this chaos
9 Shocking Examples of Black Friday Violence (oh boy, they are making an understatement when they say it is a preview of what may come in the event of a general economic collapse...the 28 Days/Weeks Later films were predictive programming for the real event; just replace the rage-ing zombies with the rabid hungry underclass, no kidding)

US Senator caught saying that the 'lame duck' agenda is "all rigged"
CIA implanted electrodes in brains of unsuspecting soldiers, suit alleges
AEP: EU rescue costs start to threaten Germany itself (in other words, the NWO wants to knock Germany, which as Max Keiser said, may emerge as a major world power...last time that was happening, it took two orchestrated world wars to take Germany down)
How Monsanto is Killing the Family Organic Farm
Gaddafi demands £4 billion from EU or Europe will turn 'black'
The complete idiot's guide to Wikileaks' latest document dump
Is the internet lying to us? (says academia...the article does have a point about how things become accepted as 'truth' simply after being told and retold by enough people; but surely the 'consensus' on MMGW, which has now been shattered, proved that the 'experts' are equally vulnerable to making this mistake...)
If the perpetrator and victim were reversed, you would already have heard of this...
Satanist Insider - Hillary's Australian Visit (make of it what you will)
Analysis of the Occult Symbols Found on the Bank of America Murals
Problem-solving bacteria crack sudoku